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Infos zum Patch
Server News
07.01.2009 um 15:13 Uhr
Kommentare (1)
Informationen zum Patch 1.2 Im offiziellen Call of Duty Forum gibt es ein Statement von Treyarchs Community Manager JD_2020, welche unter anderem Informationen über den kommenden Patch 1.2 enthält. Laut JD_2020 sollen dem Entwickler-Team alle Probleme aus den Multiplayer-Maps bekannt sein und es wird bereits an den Korrekturen gearbeitet. Auch der HTTP-Redirect soll schon behoben worden sein und wird bereits getestet. Für alle Mapper und Modder: Auch die Mod Tools Prefabs sollen auf der To Do-Liste stehen. JD_2020 erläutert aber auch, dass dieses Statement nicht bedeuten soll, dass der Patch schon in der nächsten Woche veröffentlicht wird. Es soll noch viele weitere Dinge geben, an denen gearbeitet wird. Das originale Statement könnt ihr im Klapptext nachlesen. Zudem für diejenigen, die so ungeduldig auf News über die Linux Files warten, sind im Klapptext ebenfalls informationen enthalten. JD´s text Hey everyone, I wanted to give you a quick update as to the status after the holidays. We all hope you had enjoyable times with the family, and whether it was Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or any other celebration - hope it went well. And of course, everyone can appreciate 2009 - hope you ushered it in merrily! Down to business - we're aware of some of the new issues from over the holidays. Most notably, more MP level glitches were found. We're aware of them all, and are working on fixes. Many of the various fixes are being tested now and progress is moving along nicely. Mod tools prefabs are on our list of to-do's, as my previous Sticky indicated. So for those of you modders out there, we heard you =). Also on a similar note, HTTP Redirect is we believe fixed, and is being tested. Now don't get the wrong impression from that - fixed and being tested does not mean "releasing next week." There are still plenty of other things actively being worked on we want to include in 1.2, and also have to keep our fingers crossed our fixes worked. Making a patch for such a massive project takes time. We're aware waiting is difficult, and are working as fast as possible to get these things taken care of. I also hope to have an update on the Linux bits for you later this week - stay tuned on that. In closing, please note that this should not be the only forum you look in for PC updates - many updates are global (like discovering new map glitches) and is better categorized under the root "Call of Duty: World at War" forum one level up. So while PC-specific updates and topics should be posted here (like HTTP Redirect or /record) you still should be on the lookout for updates in the other forum as well. Thanks for your patience, and looking forward to an awesome 2009 fragging with you all! Regards, -JD An dieser Stelle sind wir als Clan froh, nicht auf diese lästigen Files angewiesen zu sein! Zurück |
Kommentare: 1
Seite 1 |
keule 29.01.2018 Ort: bayern Beiträge: 2691 |
# 1 - 07.01.2009 um 21:16 Uhr
Windows ist ja nicht immer schlecht hatt auch vorteile |
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