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GTA 5 Preview: Info-Flut und neue Bilder im Anmarsch - Rockstar bestätigt Titels
15.10.2012 um 05:21 Uhr
Bald explodiert die große Info-Bombe zu GTA 5: Rockstar Games hat nun offiziell bestätigt, dass in der Dezember-Ausgabe des US-Magazins Game Informer eine exklusive Titelstory zu Grand Theft Auto 5 enthalten sein wird. Im Zuge der Preview sind viele neue Details und Screenshots zu dem kommenden Actionspiel mehr als wahrscheinlich. Ob im Rahmen des Vorschauberichtes auch der Release-Termin von GTA 5 enthüllt werden wird, das bleibt hingegen noch abzuwarten.

Nun ist es offiziell und amtlich: Nachdem der Chefredakteur des US-amerikanischen Spielemagazins Game Informer, Andy McNamara, über den Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter bekannt gab, dass in der kommenden Ausgabe des Game Informer-Magazins eine Titelstory zu GTA 5 enthalten sein wird, hat nun auch Rockstar Games eine Bestätigung für den Vorschaubericht veröffentlicht. Und zwar über die hauseigene Webseite beziehungsweise über "newswire", wo die Verantwortlichen nochmal die Twitter-Nachricht von McNamara samt Firmenlogo präsentieren.

Dass im Zuge dessen viele neue Informationen und Screenshots zu GTA 5 an die Öffentlichkeit gelangen werden, ist demzufolge so sicher wie das Amen in der Kirche. Abzuwarten bleibt hingegen, ob im Game Informer-Magazin auch das offizielle Release-Datum von GTA 5 enthüllt wird. Der Vorschaubericht soll in der Dezember-Ausgabe abgedruckt sein, die jedoch schon im November in US-amerikanischen Gefilden erscheint.

In der Regel veröffentlichen die Kollegen vorher bereits das Heft-Cover in Form eines Artworks sowie nach und nach Informationshappen über ihre offizielle Homepage.

Quelle: PC-Games

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# 1 - 08.02.2013 um 19:53 Uhr

Unwitting Spamalot Model Sues Schubert TheatreLast year, a young, Botswana- born model mischievously blew the cameras a kiss after a photo shoot in South Africa and forgot about it. "So we went down and looked, and I said, 'I'll be damned,' " he said. "It was her."The 5-foot-high picture in question depicts a medieval princess with a plunging neckline, blowing a kiss at the sold-out crowds who stand in line to attend the triple-Tony-winning musical. It appears on the theater wall, alongside a knight, a killer rabbit and a cow."They gave her some features that she did not have, in her chest area," Wilson said elliptically. Asked if he were referring to cleavage, he answered, "There you go."The lawyer said he had alerted officials at Spamalot's advertising agent, Serino Coyne Inc., in hopes of an amicable arrangement. But the advertisers, he said, are insisting that the image is not Collins', and that their model releases are in order."We had hoped not to file suit, but we have heard their position that it was not her, and we just know that is not the case," Wilson said.Officials for the theater did not return calls for comment; a lawyer for Serino Coyne said she could not comment until she had reviewed the lawsuit.Wilson notes in the suit that Collins' companions on the theater wall a killer rabbit, a cow, and a Frenchman all refer to characters in the play.He argues that that implies Collins' image must also refer to a Spamalot character that of the "witch," Guenevere, discount jewelry the Lady of the Lake.Collins is a blonde, and Guenevere is played by a brunette, Lauren Kennedy, Wilson concedes. But Sir Dennis Galahad has a line about "soggy old blondes with their backsides in ponds," he notes."Carla's likeness portrays Carla as a witch," the suit insists, "with falsely enhanced physical features, and wearing a dress that she was not wearing when the photograph was taken of her in Cape Town, South Africa," the suit says."Defendants' use of Carla's likeness depicts in a foolish, unnatural and undignified manner, and tends to hold her up to public ridicule and contempt," the suit says. It calls the use of the image, prom dresses cheap "shameful, red party dress willful, malicious and unlawful," and claims it has greatly damaged her career and caused her "great anxiety of mind, humiliation, and mortification."


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# 5 - 24.08.2013 um 22:20 Uhr

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# 8 - 30.08.2013 um 17:46 Uhr

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