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Windows 8 - Microsoft erklärt den Windows Store
Microsoft News
24.01.2012 um 08:33 Uhr
Der in Windows 8 enthaltene Windows Store wurde zwar schon Ende 2011 von Microsoft vorgestellt, doch jetzt verraten die Entwickler weitere Details.

In einem Beitrag auf dem Entwickler-Blog schreibt Jonathan J. Wang, dass beim Design des Windows Store die Balance zwischen der Möglichkeit, das Gesuchte zu finden und der Möglichkeit, auch zufällig interessante Angebote zu entdecken, sehr wichtig war. Dabei sollte das Finden, Installieren und Updaten der Apps so einfach und schnell wie möglich sein.

Der Windows Store nutzt die Metro-Oberfläche, bei der der Inhalt im Vordergrund stehen soll. Die Startseite »Spotlight« wurde vor allem dem Entdecken von Apps gewidmet und zeigt stets neue und interessante Inhalte, bietet aber auch die in Kategorien aufgeteilten Listen und ähnelt stark der aktuellen Oberfläche der Xbox 360. Durch Berühren einer Bildschirmseite kann zwischen den Kategorien gescrollt werden, das Auswählen einer Kategorie öffnet dann eine genauere Ansicht des Bereiches. Auch das Zwei-Finger-Zoomen, der sogenannte »Pinch« ist möglich und kann genutzt werden, um alle Kategorien gleichzeitig anzuzeigen.

Die Suche nach neuen Apps ist jederzeit möglich, egal ob man sich bereits im Store befindet oder eine andere App verwendet. Durch die Echtzeitsuche reicht das Eingaben einiger Buchstaben oft aus, um eine gewünschte App zu finden, ansonsten wird eine Liste mit Suchergebnissen angezeigt. Diese lässt sich nach vielen Eigenschaften sortieren.
Die Installation neuer Apps wird durch eine einzige Berührung gestartet, sofern es sich nicht um kostenpflichtige Inhalte handelt. Eine Download-Anzeige hält Microsoft für störend, es gibt aber immer noch eine Fortschrittsanzeige für die Installation selbst, die bei Aufruf auch weitere Details anzeigt. Updates werden automatisch heruntergeladen, aber nicht installiert, wenn der Rechner wenig zu tun hat und nicht über ein Mobilfunknetz verbunden ist, das Kosten verursachen könnte. Die automatischen Downloads können auch deaktiviert werden. Alle Apps können auf bis zu fünf Windows-8-Geräten gleichzeitig installiert werden, da viele Nutzer mehrere Rechner besitzen, so Wang.


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# 1 - 03.11.2012 um 22:39 Uhr

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# 2 - 08.02.2013 um 09:29 Uhr

Todd Gardiner Answers on PhotographersDigital Photography: How can one determine whether a photo on the Internet is real or fake?All photos these days are manipulated in some way. It might be to just to brighten the image, it might be to cut out telephone lines from a landscape, it might be to paste Chuck Norris into the background.There are few computer tools to detect manipulation. Most will only look for warped lines and badly done cut-and-paste jobs. But a good retoucher using the latest Photoshop is not going to be detectable.The point is that you have to be aware that photos are not evidence anymore. They are as subject to change as cut-and-pasting someone e-mail testimony into a blog post. Sure, maybe that the same word-for-word, maybe not. The internet makes no promise of authenticity.Photography: Can one become a good photographer (create images/photos) when he/she has no money for a good camera (higher then 100 euro)?Get a book on composition for photography. Practice the exercises in that with whatever camera you do have.Take lots of pictures. Learn the limits of what sort of environmental lighting works and which cause problems or leave the image too shadowy.Really, wedding tuxedos for men the camera you have is no excuse. People use Polaroid cameras which are $50 or less (but super expensive for film) and all they get are low contrast, desaturated images. And still those photos turn out good in the right hands. Because they practiced.Photography: Does the camera sensor resolution matter to professional and fashion photographers when capturing for print media?A fashion photographer would be controlling the environment in his studio so that there is no clutter to crop out. A fashion journalist shooting a runway show (which is more along the lines of what I shoot) deliberately frames the photo so that there is a minimum of background in the shot. So if you are framing correctly, that plenty for a magazine. Of course nowadays any new camera body you buy is going to be at least 16MP, so there really isn any problem here, even for double-sized magazines. Yet there gets to be some point at which you have crossed over and even if you are no longer profitable, you are still a professional.I have two jobs, one in which I produce a steady income (about 70% of my income) and one at which I work irregular weeknights, weekends and extended assignments on location. All of my event photography is either for pay or some kind of in-trade. For example, I cover the three and a half weeks of the Seattle International Film Festival in exchange for a staff ticket (worth about $900, plus you get to cut all lines: priceless!)I could try and "bite the bullet" and go entirely photography, but indications are that the local market is too saturated to support full-time event/documentary photographers (excepting some dedicated wedding photographers, as always).But I am a professional. At some point the offering of commercial contracts, renting studio space and other expenses which you bill to your clients, and occasionally hiring assistants fulfills the definition of a "professional", is an experience to treasure . View our selection of exquisite, handmade beach wedding gowns even if you are not making your entire living in this manner.tldr; when you buy business insurance.Digital Photography: Professional Photographers: What do you use to store and archive your RAW files? beach dresses bridesmaid When I import to Lightroom I have LR make a copy of the DNG on an external drive. I then technically have three copies, the original RAW, the LR-created DNG for working on and the back-up DNG for archiving.The RAWs are moved to a different external drive every six months. At this time the LR-working copies that are more than a year old are deleted. So for photos more than a year old I only have two copies, each on a different external drive. I almost never have to work on a photo once it is more than a year old. If I do, I just point LR to the copy on the external drive.External drives get "stored" about every 2-3 years. It is no longer active on my PC. This has only happened once so far. The "active" external drives are only turned on when I need to move files to them and are left off for better longevity the rest of the time.My desktop has five drives prom dress . Hard to back-up, but any lose is going to be only 20% of my total files. Programs I can re-install, photos are backed up. And most of my personal files are in the cloud these days. Not much to lose, really. So I don bother with the back-up which would be quite complex. Dressing For Your Wedding Day Photographers: Is Peter Lik a poser?I don find that following in the footsteps of others makes you a poser. wedding gowns beach Otherwise anyone that uses the Zone System is just copying Ansel Adams. Surely the entirety of Group f/64 was not just "copying" each other.If you are able to identify what works in someone else work and then do the even harder task of reproducing that style, I don find that "posing" either. balls gowns That assuming that the person is actually doing the work. This seems to be Lik method.


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# 15 - 24.11.2013 um 14:08 Uhr

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